We Ventures Capital

About Us

Our team has founded and led some of the most significant blockchain companies globally, leveraging this background to provide unparalleled support to the companies in our portfolio. As crypto natives with four years of investing and building experience, WeVC brings access and influence to help crypto teams with global aspirations discover innovations and foster adoption anywhere. When we back founders, we're entering into a lasting and evolving partnership based on trust and conviction. We aim to understand your passions, values, and motivations to be the best support system for you. As our relationship grows, we look forward to sharing your stories with the world.

First U.K. institutional asset manager focused exclusively on blockchain technology.

WeVC, which commenced operations on April 29, 2020, achieved full legalization on its fourth anniversary, marking April 29, 2024, as a significant milestone. Founded by seasoned crypto natives boasting four years of extensive investing and entrepreneurial experience, WeVC stands at the forefront of the blockchain and cryptocurrency revolution.

Driven by a profound understanding of the digital asset ecosystem, WeVC is uniquely positioned to empower crypto teams worldwide. Our mission is to facilitate access and provide influential support to ambitious crypto projects aiming to pioneer innovations and accelerate global adoption. By leveraging our deep-rooted expertise and expansive network, WeVC catalyzes growth and fosters sustainable development within the evolving landscape of decentralized technologies.

Through strategic investments and collaborative partnerships, WeVC not only nurtures groundbreaking ideas but also champions the advancement of transformative solutions that redefine the future of finance and technology. Embracing a forward-thinking approach, we are dedicated to cultivating a vibrant ecosystem where creativity thrives, opportunities abound, and visionary teams flourish.

We are the First Venture Capitalist to accept small capitalization for as low as $50.

Since its inception in 2020, WeVC initially focused on serving numerous large-scale capitalists. However, our vision extends far beyond catering solely to established entities. We are committed to democratizing access to venture capital within the cryptocurrency sector, empowering both aspiring startups and small to medium-sized investors alike.

In a groundbreaking move, WeVC is proud to announce its expansion to include small capital ventures, marking a significant shift in accessibility within the industry. This initiative opens doors previously reserved for large investors, allowing individuals with as little as $50 to participate in venture capital opportunities.

By lowering the barrier to entry, WeVC aims to foster a more inclusive and diverse ecosystem where innovation thrives regardless of capital size. This strategic evolution reflects our dedication to promoting equity and opportunity, ensuring that every participant can contribute to and benefit from the dynamic world of cryptocurrency venture capital. Join us as we pave the way for a new era of accessible and transformative investment possibilities.

Aiming to Grow

“To open Venture Capitalist company to small and medium investors”

— Victor Cooper, CEO

Venture capital (VC) plays a pivotal role in fostering innovation and driving economic growth by providing crucial funding to startups and businesses poised for significant expansion. Typically, VC firms operate by pooling capital from institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals, known as limited partners (LPs). These funds are then strategically deployed into early-stage companies with high growth potential across various industries such as technology, biotechnology, and finance.

The essence of venture capital lies in its proactive approach to investment, where capital is injected into businesses that demonstrate innovative ideas and scalable business models. Beyond financial support, VC firms often provide invaluable expertise, mentorship, and networking opportunities to their portfolio companies, helping them navigate the complexities of scaling operations and entering competitive markets. This symbiotic relationship between VC investors and entrepreneurs not only fuels entrepreneurial spirit but also contributes to job creation, technological advancement, and the overall dynamism of the global economy.

Certificate of Incorporation
You can view our legitimacy by clicking this link

Our company proudly discloses its incorporation status, underscoring our commitment to transparency and accountability. This information not only signifies our adherence to legal standards but also invites stakeholders to validate our credibility. We believe in fostering trust through clear and open communication, ensuring that our stakeholders can confidently engage with us. Should you require further verification or have any inquiries regarding our incorporation, we welcome you to reach out. At We Ventures Capital, transparency is foundational to how we operate, reflecting our dedication to integrity and reliability in every interaction.


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